How to obtain a copy of an Accident Report

Citizens may obtain crash reports from BuyCrash over the internet, or visit the police station to request a copy in person if they wish.

There is a $5.00 charge for a copy of an Accident Report.  A written request from an insurance company with the $5.00 fee is accepted. Cash, check, and credit card are accepted forms of payment for records reports.
Obtain a Copy of Your Crash Report Online

  1. Go to
  2. Select the "search" button.
  3. Input the crash data for the report that you are searching for and click the "search" button.
  4. If a report is found, select the "add to cart" link.
  5. Login or create an account.
  6. If a drivers Exchange report is available, a Free Drivers Exchange link will be shown. Select the "add to cart" link.
  7. The user should enter the data requested on the Verification Page and select Submit. The Date of Birth is required for an involved party to get a free Drivers Exchange report. The Drivers Exchange report will be added to your shopping cart.
  8. Select the "View Cart" button. Review your order and select the "checkout" button.
  9. Provide your reference number and billing information if applicable, and select "continue."
  10. Select the "purchase and download report" button.
  11. Select "view report" and the Drivers Exchange Report will open as a PDF in a new window.