Police Department Drone Program

In 2023, the ‘Drones as First Responders Act’ was signed by Governor J.B. Pritzker. This new law expands the authority of local police departments to use drones at certain events, respond to specific 911 calls, inspect buildings, and participate in public relations events. Under the new law, department drones may now be used at outdoor, government-hosted events. These include parades, walks, races, concerts, and food festivals. The law explicitly bars drones from being used to monitor “any political protest, march, demonstration, or other assembly protected by the First Amendment.” The law also expands when police can use drones when responding to 911 calls. Drones can now be used to assist in locating victims and coordinating the response of emergency personnel.

The Shorewood Police Department’s Drone Team was established in 2022, in collaboration with the Troy Fire Department. The Drone Team has 4 members, who have found great success using drones in the early stages of the program.

You can follow this link to view our drone policy: Police Department Drone Policy