Community Alerts

The Shorewood Police Department uses multiple online platforms to keep our residents informed about safety, weather, and community events ongoing in the Village. An informed resident is a safer one.


Nixle keeps you up-to-date with relevant information via email and text messaging directly to your cell phone. You can sign up for this free service at


Nextdoor is where you connect to the neighborhoods that matter to you so you can belong.

By bringing neighbors and organizations together, we can cultivate a kinder world where everyone has a neighborhood they can rely on.

Considered the Neighborhood network, neighbors around the world turn to Nextdoor daily to receive trusted information, give and get help, get things done, and build real-world connections with those nearby — neighbors, businesses, and public services. This free service can be found at


The Shorewood Police Department’s Facebook page is not only a way to stay informed about ongoing safety concerns but a means to see officers’ participation in community events and important links to other agencies’ Facebook pages. The page also allows for community interaction, however, is not to be used to report any activity in real-time where the appropriate measure is to contact the police department directly by phone.